Ferdinando Carulli The Guitarist’s Way, Book Classical Guitar Answer Book Metodo completo per. Op. Confined to mainly simple pieces, Carulli wrote his world-famous method of classical guitar, ‘Harmony Applied to the Guitar’, a collection of pieces that are still used today in tuition.Excellent method, especially if you can read Italian, Not too difficult to figure. Op.241 = École de guitare (a revision of the Méthode complète, Op.27 in polyphonic notation in which, amongst other things, Carulli has rethought his approach to right-hand fingering, ca.1825) FERDINANDO CARULLI: METODO COMPLETO PER CHITARRA, OP.27 (BOOK/CD) +CD.Sors from The Classical Guitar, compiled. Les six premiers morceaux sont en Arpeges modulés dans tous les tons, et a toutes les positions, ils. Op.192 = Supplement a la methode (“The First Year of Guitar Study”, Op.192 another supplement to the Methode complete which includes an etude in octaves cast in a fully-developed sonata-allegro form) Guitar Andante or Waltz by Ferdinando Carulli (from his Method, Op.Op.71 = Deuxieme suite a la methode (a supplement to the Méthode complète).Op.61 = Premiere suite a la methode (a supplement to the Méthode complète).